An Evening with Art and Anatomy and Danny Quirk
Here’s Emily and I after we finished the anatomy painting workshop
I had so much fun last Tuesday evening when I went to attend Art and Anatomy‘s first public event of anatomy workshops, lectures and material showcases. I went with my fellow medical illustrator friend and colleague, Emily McDougall. To top it all off their guest speaker was the one, the only, the fantastically amazing Danny Quirk.
Here are some pics of me our artwork from the anatomy body painting workshop we attended.
Here is a picture of Emily with my first attempt of anatomy body painting.
A close up of Emily’s work. I didn’t want to take it off!
So Emily lost her camera's SD card on the train shortly after the workshop. Some wonderful person found it and got in touch with Art and Anatomy. Check out their Facebook Post about it, my mini moment in the limelight!