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Under Armour

3D animations to accompany product technology explanation - internal pitch materials

Under Armour are specialists in producing textiles that enhance and support athletic performance. We teamed up with the product leads for their Rush products. Their responsive fabric technology improves oxygen flow and circulation near the skin so that the athlete can train harder and longer. This is the story that we needed to show in accompanying animated shorts.


Under Armour

Emily Holden
Annie Campbell

Under Armour Rush Jade Jacket 3D Houdini particles animation
Under Armour Rush muscle oxygentation Under Armour Rush Jade Jacket 3D Houdini particles animation


Under Armour Rush red blood cell oxygenation Under Armour Rush Jade Jacket 3D Houdini particles animation red blood cells
Under Armour Rush athlete jacket Under Armour Rush Jade Jacket 3D Houdini particles animation


Under Armour Rush muscle blood supply osygen
Under Armour Rush muscle damage


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